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2015 Vegan Gift Guide

Things have been silent around here for a while (same old, same old) and although I don't plan on updating much more in the future, I thought it would be nice to do a little vegan gift guide now that it's the holiday season. You see I have been struggling quite a lot trying to fully transition to a vegan lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, I've completely sworn off meat, dairy, eggs, honey and whatnot but I'm still surprised to find out how many different things in our everyday life contain animal products. That is why I've compiled this miniature guide to help you find your loved ones 100% cruelty free but nonetheless awesome Christmas presents.

2015 Vegan Gift Guide

Hopefully you'll find this guide helpful and perhaps even get some ideas for your own wish list. If you'd like to leave your own recommendations below, I would be more than happy to read them! So let's get to it!

I. Love. These. Watches. Classy, timeless and gorgeous timepieces that will make the perfect gift for anyone in your family! Literally everyone, as they have both small ones and big ones, ladies' and men's, classic styles and bolder colours. They also offer free shipping worldwide and my very own promo code "TILDASDW" will get you 15% off until January 15th! Yay! (Also, go for the Nato Wristbands to stay vegan!)

2. CLEAN Perfumes

Let's be honest, we can't always be bothered trying to find specialty vegan store and brands to buy all our stuff. As much as I love visiting these shops, it can really be a pain in the ass to have to go halfway across Stockholm just to find a vegan perfume. Enter CLEAN perfumes,  100% cruelty free, mainstream and absolutely wonderful! My favourite is the White Woods pictured above but all of their scents are beautifully fresh and well, clean. A vegan must-have.

3. Handmade Heroes Beauty and Skin Care

I was lucky enough to receive an adorable little care package from Handmade Heroes a while ago, filled with some of their vegan beauty products. Pictured above are their green clay face mask, coconut lip scrub and two different lip tints. The gorgeous packaging aside, I've genuinely enjoyed using these products and the lip scrub is so natural that you can eat it. It actually tastes really nice hehe. Though I would suggest you don't have it all for an afternoon snack. That would be a total waste of lip scrub.

4. Vegan Chocolate

Nowadays there are numerous vegan chocolate brands to choose from and getting your loved ones their chocolate fix doesn't have to involve any cow's milk whatsoever. I have included a few of my favourite kinds above, namely Pana Chocolate, The Raw Chocolate Company, Lovechock and Squarebar.  The Pana Chocolate is amazingly silky and has a softer texture than the other tree while The Raw Chocolate Company and Lovechock are both more like traditional dark chocolate but -obviously- better. My absolute favourite would have to be Lovechock's Mulberry Vanilla. Lastly we have the Squarers which are actually more of a chocolate coated vegan protein bar but I had to include them on this list as well as they're just so darn delicious. One of the best,most indulgent vegan protein bars out there!

Hope you've enjoyed reading this post and that you'll all have the best holiday season surrounded by family and friends! Much love to you all!

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