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If you have joint pain, you may have arthritis.  The symptoms of various types of arthritis, as well as treatments, therapies, and tips for living with arthritis, are detailed by the CDC and at Medline.

Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, involves breakdown of tissues in a joint, including cartilage, bone, and ligaments.  Rheumatoid arthritis is primarily an inflammation of the lining of the joints, which results in wear to the cartilage and bone.  Other conditions that fall under the arthritis category are gout and lupus.

Arthritis impacts productivity and quality of life.  For further reading, check these out:

  • The very best painkiller foods: 72 natural foods to ease arthritis and joint pain: 115 healing recipes by Rachel Fontaine
  • Living with rheumatoid arthritis by Tammi L. Shlotzhauer, M.D.
  • Gentle yoga for arthritis featuring contributions by Laurie Sanford and Nancy Forstbauer
  • Arthritis: what exercises work by Dava Sobel & Arthur C. Klein
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