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Free flu vaccinations, and immune system help

Cold and flu season has arrived, so now's a good time to look at ways to boost your immune system!

Along with a flu vaccination [Barnes-Jewish Hospital offers free shots (variety of dates)! and St. Louis County offers free FluMist for children 2-18 on October 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.] here are some tips to help keep your body running smoothly and illness-free:

maintain proper hygiene
handwashing with plain soap and water makes a huge difference

fatigue weakens the immune system, and makes you more vulnerable to bugs

a little light physical activity strengthens the immune system, boosts circulation, and increases energy

drink water
staying hydrated keeps systems working optimally

eat healthful foods, which include
yogurt, garlic, tea, mushrooms, berries
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