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Resolution: kick addictions

Resolution: kick addictionsAddictions are hard work to fight.  Here's some help from the St. Louis Public Library:

  • Unwelcome inheritance: break your family's cycle of addictive behaviors by Lisa Sue Woititz and Janet Geringer Woititz
  • Kick your addiction: how to quit anything by Frederick Woolverton and Susan Shapiro
  • The truth about alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes!!: the realities of addiction and recovery by Mark Winkle

  • Allen Carr's easy way to stop smoking
  • The smoke-free smoke break: stop smoking now with mindfulness and acceptance by Pavel G. Somov, Marla J. Somova
  • Stop smoking: beautiful music and subliminal affirmations to support your success by Steven Halpern (audio)

  • Seven weeks to sobriety: the proven program to fight alcoholism through nutrition by Joan Mathews Larson
  • Healing the addicted brain: the revolutionary, science-based alcoholism and addiction recovery program by Harold Urschel
  • First steps out of problem drinking by John McMahon


  • Alive again: recovering from alcoholism and drug addiction by Howard C. Samuels
  • Overcoming prescription drug addiction: a guide to coping and understanding by Rod Colvin
  • Painkillers, heroin, and the road to sanity: real solutions for long-term recovery from opiate addiction by Joani Gammill


  • Beating sugar addiction for dummies by Dan DeFigio
  • The sugar detox: lose the sugar, lose the weight -- look and feel great by Brooke Alpert and Patricia Farris
  • Sugar blues by William Dufty


  • Internet addiction: a handbook and guide to evaluation and treatment edited by Kimberly S. Young, Cristiano Nabuco de Abreu
  • iDisorder: understanding our dependency on technology and overcoming its hold on us by Larry D. Rosen
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